Thursday 19 November 2015


"During my early university days I got carried away by extra activities which pretty much cost me academically and even if I am among the best in my department my grades suffered, as a result my CGPA was embarrassing to say the least.

Upon resuming 300 Level, a good friend of mine did not resume, after a few weeks I was worried as you would expect so I traveled down to his family's house to inquire since his number was not going through and I was told about his sad demise. He had an accident which cost him his life. I was saddened by what had happened because he was really good and was most probably the 4 best student in the department, strong CGPA, a 3.8, he was really good not just academically but he had pure natural talent and the way I see it was the hope of his family.

On my way back so many thoughts were running through my result is poor and there's absolutely no way I can improve on that and still graduate with a 2.1 or even a 2.2 so I made a resolution.

On getting to the hostel I reflected on the whole thing and decided not to tell anyone but our course adviser. My friend was not the type that socialize, some persons in the department don't even know him that well. He does all his things low-key, he's a very private person so I made an arrangement with our course adviser where I managed to convince him that it will be a shame if his hard work is allowed to go to waste and amount to nothing, as usual with financial persuasion he allowed me to write his exams, I wrote both our exams until graduation where I graduated with a 3rd class and him a 3.1.

To cut a long story short, I did a change of name and began using his result; all this without anybody's knowledge but me and our course adviser.

It was very complicated but somehow I managed to use his result and even studied abroad with it, got my masters and other professional certificate before I got a 6 figure job  and came back home.
Ever since I got back I have been doing really well for myself and I have gone as far as taking good care of his family financially as well as training his siblings in school and presently sponsoring 2 in the university. I rented an apartment and bought his dad a car, I know it will never suffice for what their son may have done but I'm only trying the little I can to compensate for their loss as well as for pretending to be their son without their knowledge.

About 8 months ago I met a girl and we fell in love, we've been dating and 2 months ago I pooped the question and she accepted. We've been making our wedding arrangements but ever since I feel I have been hiding my real self from her and decided to tell her what I did many years ago. Initially there was no reaction but then this week she came to me and said she cannot get married to a fraud and gave me back the ring.

I'm scared and confuse she may ruin everything, she may reveal my secret which obviously will get me fired and most definitely a jail time. I don't know what to do, I have tried to reason with her and have done way too many explanations but she's not bulging. I don't want to go to jail and I don't want to lose my job. I'm really confused."

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